CR Road Marking Paints

CR Road Making Paints

Prism Chlorinated Rubber (CR) Paint

Prism Chlorinated Rubber Base Paint is manufactured on AASHTO Standard M-248- 90. Its formation is based on high quality CR resin which gives it durability and life. Prism CR is a fast drying paint and is suitable for both Concrete and Asphalt surface. Due to its special composition it can retain more drop on glass bead hence it gives better night visibility than alkyd base road paint.
This is high build chlorinated rubber coating with wide applications, for moisture or water prone substrate such as car floor interior or exterior, ship base, water pools, water storage tanks interior, or marking roads for safety and protection. It also partially provide abrasion and impact resistance besides, superior water resistance. Commercial cum Industrial

Technical Specifications

Vehicle/Additive/Solvent (Resin System): 45-50%

Pigment & Extender : 55-50%

Viscosity (Ford Cup 4 at 25°C): 100 seconds

Flashpoint: 25°C

Color: White, Yellow, Black

Adhesion: Asphalt and Concrete

Touch Dry: 10 to 15 minutes

Traffic Dry: 2 to 3 Hours

Mixing Ratio: Thinner (Prism)

Coverage: 2.5 to 3 sqm/ltr (100-75 Microns DFT)

Application Methods: Spray, brush or roller

Shelf Life: 6 months when properly stored

Packing: 20 Liter